National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Day 2

April 2, 2020

7:00 a.m

**A trigger warning has been placed on this content**

Subscribe to The Pen Letter for weekly survivor support. Happy Healing!

Living with Inner Me

When I received the great news from my boss that I was leaving from work in ten hours instead of twelve hours today I said”Ok, that’s good. I’ll be able to go ahead and get the gym out the way.” Right? Right!! I was excited and ready to go. So, when the time clock struck 16:06 p.m. I was out the door. This is when the nonsense in my mind began.

Now I’m driving down the street as the entrance of my job gets smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror until it was out of sight. I’m feeling good and energized about hitting that elliptical machine as soon as possible. Then all of a sudden something happened.

As I was making a left turn onto the expressway an extreme heaviness suddenly came over me. My eyes started to water and my mouth is stretched open wide with the repeated sounds of yawning coming out of it over and over again. Ok really? so now I am tired? “Umm ok but you are still going to the gym.” I said to myself. The closer I got to the gym the more exhausted I became. It was ridiculous. I promise this has been happening more and more lately with the things I really need to accomplishment. Not today sis. Not today.

So, as I continue to make my way to the gym, the inner me says” stop by the house and drop off your lunch bag and take a nap.” At this time, I’m full-blown tears in the eyes tired. That nap sounds really good and feels really necessary. So, I told the inner me “No. I will drop off the lunch bag so the food in it won’t spoil then I will get dressed and get back in the car to go to the gym.” Well I think you can imagine how that worked out. I eventually got back in the car but it took a few minutes longer of course. I should’ve taken my behind straight to the gym. But noooo I had fresh lunch bag food that need to be refrigerated. Just another excuse provided by the inner me.

I’m back in the car and the inner me says” Why are you pushing yourself to go to this gym? You can work on losing weight tomorrow.” What in the world in going on? This inner me chic is acting foolish as I continue to make my way to this gym. She will not win at sabotaging my effort. Not today or tomorrow. Finally I have arrived. Now here’s the funny part.

I walked in, said hello and gave the young lady my key chain badge. She says” Have a nice workout” as I began to walk towards the ladies’ locker room and low and behold this feeling of exhaustion hits my body again. Nope I’m here now. I will work out. I picked up my water bottle and my towel and walked out the locker room. Then next thing to happen is a total inner me move. I walk up to the elliptical machine, put my water bottle down and begin to step up on the machine as the inner me begins to say” I don’t like this machine.” So, because I was already tired, I stepped down off the machine and spent the next five minutes walking around the gym to find another machine I liked or I was leaving. Who is this person? and what the hell is going on? The inner me chic was really pushing her luck. So, after my self-imposed tour around the gym I went back into the locker room to regroup as I told my inner me” We are not leaving this gym without working out.” and that’s just what I did. I got my mind right and my thirty-minutes of cardio in. I felt really accomplished and happy about pushing past how I felt in the moment to give my body what it really needed. Now I can rest and know I did everything I was supposed to do. Despite the inner workings of the inner me.

Salute to the Savior Sunday

Hey friend,

How are you feeling today? Not so well . Sorry to hear this is going on with you right now.  May I pray for you? You said yes. Ok well here you go.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for waking me up this morning to see another day.

I woke with a clear heart and mind ready to receive the blessing of this day.

I thank you for all the connections whether new or old that will come my way today.

I pray the reconnection will be a blessing to us both.  I pray for my family and friend’s health and wellbeing so they may operate in your Will today, Lord.

I surrender and trust your Will for my life as well Lord.

I will continue to learn my craft in order to perfect my assignment.

Thank you for trusting me with such a fulfilling purpose, Lord.

In your name I pray,


I hope this prayer is a blessing for you my friend.

With Hugs and Love,


Inspired by Sundays

Hey friend,

It’s been awhile since we last talked. I have so much to share with you since I’ve been away. I have been off growing, thinking and loving every part of who I am becoming.

I have a little inspiration I want to share with you!!
Check out my latest video

I hope it is a blessing to you!!

With Hugs and Love,


A Second Chance for Closure


This moment really took my breath away. When I was 11yrs old my stepfather molested me on the way to and from this agency.  When we arrived they were closed so I never made it inside as child.  It was the worst car ride of my life.

But it’s funny how this second chance was presented to me.

I was at work when I was invited to a comedy show by this guy. He handed me his card and suggested that I should come out to his comedy show.

As I glanced at it, I noticed it had the name” William-Reynolds Agency” on the bottom line of this business card.  I couldn’t believe it.  I just assumed that this business would be closed after all these years.

Once I found out they were still open I promised myself that I would finally make it inside.   I just wanted to be step inside just for a minute as I was suppose to do that morning years ago.

So on June 5, 2015 I walked in the door of the agency FREELY.  I was completely overwhelmed as I just stood there in the middle of the floor.  A young woman named Mrs. J. Jackson greeting me with “How may I help you?”  I replied”  I just want to stand here.” I’m trying so hard to keep from crying.  She then replied without hestitation” I will stand with you then” as she wrapped her arms around.  I cried and cried.  I couldn’t hold it anymore.  Because I finally made it in.

With Hugs and Love,


Salute to the Savior Sunday



Heavenly Father,

Thank you for waking me up this morning.

I feeling ready and rested to live in this day.

I am grateful.

I am honored to be chosen by you Lord.

Thank you for a  second chance to begin again.

I will follow your lead.

I will surrender to your WILL.

I grow along the way.

In your Name I pray,


Salute to the Savior Sunday

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day to glorify your NAME.

I am honored to be chosen to wake up one more time.  I have so much work still left to do.

Lord, thank you the desire of change.  I know that it is time for me to move forward fast in order to be able to take advantage of all opportunities ahead for me.  This is the moment you have prepared me for Lord.

Thank you for trusting me with the assignment of walking alongside other survivors like myself.  Let them hear loud and clear from  you that they are no longer ALONE.

I love you, I honor you,  I give you praise.

In your name I pray.


My “Me” Time Friday


Hey Survivors,

I had a very necessary  “Me” day date with one of my favorite hairdresser this past Friday.  After working a long week of overtime I deserved every minute of this time away into myself.

Here is the result:

The best part of this day is how I felt after I made the day about me:)

With Hugs and Love,



What did you do for yourself today?



{A Survivor’s Heart} Still Standing & Stepping Out, The Purple Affair

Hey Survivors,

I had the pleasure of attending a phenomenal event to kickoff National Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Saturday.

The 6th Annual Purple Affair was hosted by visionary Tamiko Lowry-Pugh, the founder of The Still Standing Foundation located in Atlanta, GA.   Tamiko wears many hats as an author, empowerment speaker, book publisher, domestic violence expert, legislative advocate, mom, wife, sister and is a friend to many who have crossed her path.

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As a survivor of domestic violence, she has accepted God’s assignment to lead other victims down the path of hope and healing.  She will not only guide your journey but fight for you every step of the way.

This annual event is an extension of her dedication and love for the fight. Let’s paint the night purple!!!

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Meet the beautiful Tamiko Lowry-Pugh

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Tamiko and hubby Kenny Pugh

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Meet the beautiful co-host Aurea McGarry, domestic violence Sur-thriver

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Aurea McGarry and Hubby

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Meet songtress Angelica Monroe Boudreau

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The beautiful ladies and their handsome hubby

Next are the co authors of the newly release Wounds to Wisdom…The Survivors Series Volume 1.

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Some of the beautiful co authors.

Thank you ladies for sharing your stories of survival.

The handsome co author

Thank you for being the voice for the men dealing with domestic violence as well.

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Co- Host Yamma Brown Alexander of the James Brown Family Foundation is wearing this dress!!

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Tamiko and The Still Standing Foundation team

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What I loved the most about this event was the sea of smiles and support for a very important epidemic in our community.   This fundraiser/gala was full of beautiful individuals standing up, showing up and being humbly recognized for being the voice for the voiceless.

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This last photo I believe is the most powerful one of them all.  The signatures of survivors who have made the decision to stand for one more day.

This topic hits home for me as I watched my mom get beat to a bloody pulp daily by my dad as a child.  Although I was too small to stop him from hurting her I am now big enough to fight against people like him from hurting others.

If you would like to learn more about how to become a supporter please click the link

Thank you Tamiko and The Still Standing Foundation for all you do.

Until next time survivors…

Remember we are only alive to live this journey one time so let’s

make the best of it!!


Trust changed me {Journey Marker}

Date: July 30, 2013
Time: 5:36 pm

Dear God,

Thank you so much for the revelation 3 days ago. Man, it was a hard blow. I know I got caught up. I wanted to be loved so much that I forgot you are the only one that continues to love me unconditionally. Knowing all that God it still hurt. I stood in the closet that night and prayed for you to protect my heart. Although I forgot that the process would include pain. I feel a shame, hurt, guilt, angry and grateful all at the same time.
I feel shame because I opened my heart and I closed my eyes to the signs. I feel hurt because he could have told me but chose not to I have guilt because I should have known better than to hand my heart over to a stranger

I feel angry because of the in your face disrespect to take no responsibility to just say ” I’m sorry.” Last but not least I am grateful that you God knew what I needed before I asked for it. I know I need to love people anyway because we all make mistakes so I will do that. I will forgive Markus Bolden. PERIOD. But I will never forget how it felt to be hurt by his actions and my neglect. I wish him and his wife the best for years to come. He was in my life for a season and I will say it was a season full of laugh, hugs, kisses and profound intimacy. I felted loved by him truly. I pray to you God that I will find love again at the right time with the right soul attached.
In Jesus Name, I pray

Journaling Tip *When you start writing continue writing until the thought ends. NO erasing *

How is trust treating you?