9 years of Survivorship



I am a survivor again today

Like every day since the second month

and fourth day nine years ago

It started with a nudge from God

followed by a obedient doctor

who felt my heart and pain

to my acceptance of the information given

with an ingenuine attempt to follow through

but God kept nudging me

reminding me that I promised to move next time

HE showed up

744 hours  of second guessing

until today

I’m glad I accepted God’s healing

So today I could have the opportunity to celebrate

a huge milestone in my survivor life

I’ve cried, I’ve been depressed, I opened my heart to live again.

Today  I thank you God for my counselor Mrs. Ann Mcleod

who has lead me closer to you for the last 9 years.


With Hugs and Love,



When is your survivorversary?  Let’s celebrate!!!!!

Affirm+Worry Less

10/18/10:00 am

Hey Survivors,

Let the worries of the day force you to win today. Temporary concerns will shift your focus in order for you to be present in this teachable moment. Take away the good, leave the bad and keep moving forward.

What did you learn from your last worry?

With Hugs and Love,
