Salute to the Savior Sunday

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for allowing me to see another day.

Another chance at this life to live.

I want to thank you today for your love, Lord

You love me when I have a hard time loving myself.

you whisper sweet reminders to my soul that only your love is real.

When you talk to me I hear love.

When you answer me I feel love.

When you protect me your covering is love.

When you change me I see love.

Thank you for you are the light of my life, Lord

In your name

I pray


9 years of Survivorship



I am a survivor again today

Like every day since the second month

and fourth day nine years ago

It started with a nudge from God

followed by a obedient doctor

who felt my heart and pain

to my acceptance of the information given

with an ingenuine attempt to follow through

but God kept nudging me

reminding me that I promised to move next time

HE showed up

744 hours  of second guessing

until today

I’m glad I accepted God’s healing

So today I could have the opportunity to celebrate

a huge milestone in my survivor life

I’ve cried, I’ve been depressed, I opened my heart to live again.

Today  I thank you God for my counselor Mrs. Ann Mcleod

who has lead me closer to you for the last 9 years.


With Hugs and Love,



When is your survivorversary?  Let’s celebrate!!!!!